The Digital Platform
for Connected-Care

Hyphen is a composable platform where healthcare stakeholders can easily share information and work together to deliver high-quality, value-driven care.

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Hyphen enables
connected and
collaborative healthcare

We believe that shared data and collaboration creates a less fragmented system, giving providers, health plans, and community organizations clear, real-time insight into a patient or a population’s entire health story.

The impact connected-care delivers

When we bring disparate data into one place and make it actionable, the possibilities are endless. Providers can deliver proactive, value-based care and improve population management. Health plans can close information gaps faster, driving cost-efficient care and higher quality ratings. Community-based organizations can stop chasing grant cycles and focus on serving the people who need them.

Connecting the healthcare ecosystem

Our platform is flexible and customizable. It integrates into existing workflows and EHRs, from the exam room to the administrative office, enabling critical information and analytics to be accessed when and where they are needed most.

Our real-time FHIR-based integration ensures interoperability can be achieved for all healthcare stakeholders.

Our agility also ensures our partners can be prepared for the future. We are continuously adding new features to help everyone in the healthcare ecosystem thrive.

Connect at the point of care

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The power of Hyphen's platform

Whole person care

Comprehensive data for whole-person care

Hyphen enables an array of healthcare stakeholders to combine physical, behavioral, and social health data and receive real-time, actionable insights for patients and populations.


Customizations for unique needs

Hyphen’s composability allows providers, health plans, and community organizations to assemble capabilities to serve their unique constituents.

Deeply integrated

Deeply integrated information and insights

Hyphen is built with modern healthcare data integration standards to assist care providers directly within the tools they already use.

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Focused on client success

Hyphen provides ongoing, hands-on support to ensure platform users have the tools they need to deliver high-quality, value-driven care.

Go to Epic Showroom

Epic is a trademark of Epic Systems Corporation.

Hyphen is available for
download on Epic’s

Find Hyphen’s point-of-care app, including Condition Validator, Quality Bridge and Medication Adherence Booster, in Epic’s Connection Hub.

See how Hyphen can work for you.